Fees Refund Policy

A full refund is available on registration fees until 3 days after the Team Announcements.
After Team Announcements the refund is 50% and then reduces further by 10% a week from then. 
After 5 weeks NO refund is available. 

The club endeavours to make the Team Announcements in person on a pre-defined date each year. However the club reserves the right to make the announcements via email or via posting to the website.

For some age groups, the club may choose to make draft team announcments while the team composition is being assessed.
The Fees Refund policy also applies if the team announcment is “Draft”.

Individual requests for exceptions to this policy may be presented to the Committee with supporting argument documentation. However, it remains the discretion of the committee whether that exception is upheld and what the appropriate refund might be.